East Devon District Council Services – Coronavirus restrictions update
Measures to abide by the national coronavirus lockdown are being put in place by East Devon District Council following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday.
Although most council services will continue as normal, there are restrictions that residents need to be aware of.
Nineteen public toilets across the district, which are being cleaned daily to strict Covid-19 guidelines, remain open during the lockdown period, from 8am to 7pm each day. Please see our website for more information about our toilet facilities at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/environmental-maintenance/public-toilets/
District council parks, gardens, and play areas remain open although the council is following government guidance and closing outdoor gyms, skate parks and multi-use games areas.
Sports pitch bookings and events on council land have been cancelled and people who rent district council beach huts all year round at Exmouth chalets and Beer are not able to use them and will receive a letter shortly.
The council’s ten nature reserves remain open, although no events will be running and all but essential volunteer work activities will stop during the lockdown.
The council’s recycling and waste service will continue as normal, but due to high Christmas catch up tonnages and staff isolating due to the virus, services are being affected. If your recycling has not been collected, please leave your containers out for one or two days as we attempt to catch up. After this please take them back in and place any extra out in carrier bags on your next collection day.
If your refuse has been missed please report this to us online and we will collect it as soon as possible. Check our service page for further information on disruptions at https://eastdevon.gov.uk/recycling-and-waste/recycling-and-waste-information/waste-and-recycling-updates/
Devon County Council has confirmed that household recycling centres will remain open during the new lockdown period. Reuse shops at the recycling centres are closed.
As residents may do more shopping online as non-essential shops have closed, the council is expecting to collect more cardboard from the kerbside. As always, the crews will collect as much as they can but may have to leave some materials if very large quantities are put out. Please store your card and put it out gradually over the next collection days.
Households are reminded that if they have coronavirus, their recycling and waste needs to be handled carefully before being put out for collection to help prevent further spread of the virus. Visit our updates page on our website at https://eastdevon.gov.uk/recycling-and-waste/recycling-and-waste-information/waste-and-recycling-updates/ for more detailed information.
The council’s housing repairs service for tenants will operate normally with full social distancing and PPE guidelines in place.
The Thelma Hulbert Gallery in Honiton remains closed and has an online presence at www.thelmahulbert.com. The council-owned Manor Pavilion Theatre in Sidmouth is also closed.
Leisure East Devon (LED) facilities across the district have closed. LED hope to support as many members as possible through live-streaming exercise classes. You can find the LED timetable at http://www.ledleisure.co.uk/live-streaming and for more information, please go to the LED Facebook page or website at www.ledleisure.co.uk
The council’s offices at Honiton and Exmouth remain closed to the public, but you can call us on 01404 515616 to talk to an officer.
In the meantime, our website at www.eastdevon.gov.uk is regularly being updated with the latest information for residents, communities and businesses.
We will send out messages to our local media to be included in publications and we are regularly sending out updates through our social media - @eastdevon on Twitter, East Devon District Council on Facebook and eastdevondistrictcouncil on Instagram.
We also send out a regular online residents’ coronavirus newsletter with the latest updates and you can sign up to receive this by email at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/help/sign-up-for-news-and-information-from-east-devon/