Feniton Flood Alleviation Scheme railway crossing works to start
Works will commence at the end of August on the undertrack rail crossing for a new culvert pipe which will help reduce the flood risk to the village of Feniton.
Flooding has been a constant concern to many residents in the village of Feniton, but the end is in sight, with a key element to the Feniton flood scheme will be carried out this month.
This vital step to provide flood protection to Feniton will commence at the end of August on the undertrack rail crossing for a new large culvert pipe.
The undertrack culvert (known as phase 3) will link to drainage works which will divert surface water from around the village. The completed scheme will reduce the flood risk to the 65 residential homes plus help prevent disruption to the primary school and local transport. The railway crossing work has been planned for many years but has been delayed due to its high risk, complex nature, and funding for the project. However, the Network Rail’s contractors are making use of a 5-day rail closure for works elsewhere on the railway with work starting on 29th August, on behalf of East Devon District Council (EDDC).
The scheme will involve the building of a works compound and a manhole chamber on either side of the railway, before making use of the railway closure for engineering works to place the culvert under the railway, these works are due to completed by 7th October 2022.
The works on either side of the railway will generally be limited to the normal working hours, however due to the limited time, it may need to take place over 24 hours from 19th September for up to 5 days. Therefore, there will be both noise and vehicular disruption to the local area to which we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
EDDC ask people not to congregate on the highway bridge next to the works, as this bridge is narrow with no footway and will have increased vehicle movements. Also, both sides of the railway are private property with no public access