Help change the lives of lonely 90-year-olds
As the nation celebrates the Queen’s birthday thousands more 90-year-olds will have no cakes or parties to look forward to.
They spend their days alone with no one to talk to and nothing to look forward to except a call from their Silver Line Friend.
As the only national, free and confidential helpline for older people that’s open day and night, The Silver Line helpline has already taken over 87,400 calls from lonely older people in the South West.
Now we’re asking people to help make sure we’re always here when we’re needed by giving just 10 minutes to raise money during Silver Week from 15 – 21 May.
The Silver Line relies on voluntary donations and during Silver Week everyone can make a big difference to lonely older people by helping raise funds to support our work.
People can text ALONE to 70555 to donate £10 – that pays for two calls to the helpline from lonely or isolated older people.
Sophie Andrews, CEO of The Silver Line, said: “It’s great that everyone is celebrating the Queen’s 90th but we know that many older people have no birthday parties, cakes, or even anyone to simply chat to.
“We are uncovering a hidden epidemic of loneliness among the oldest people in our society – the percentage of over-90s calling our helpline is double the proportion in the UK population.
“That’s why we are asking companies, groups, and individuals to join us this Silver Week by raising funds to ensure we are always at the end of the phone when older people need us.”
Founded by Dame Esther Rantzen, The Silver Line helpline currently receives over 10,000 calls a week from older people seeking information, advice, or even just a chat on the phone.
There are hundreds of ways to get involved in Silver Week – for example by joining the ‘bake off’ craze with a bake sale of your own, organising a Silver Screening movie event, or just taking 10 minutes to sign-up to Top Cashback for great savings and the opportunity to donate to The Silver Line.
Find out more ways to take part at www.thesilverline.org.uk/get-involved/silver-week-2016/
We also have 3,000 volunteers trained as Silver Line Friends providing vital human contact for lonely and isolated older people.
The Silver Line Helpline: 0800 4 70 80 90
Website: www.thesilverline.org.uk