Help is on hand for people struggling with energy debt
As new research today (Friday 27th February) reveals people in Plymouth are unlikely to seek help if they’re struggling to pay their energy bills, British Gas is urging residents who need help to access the support and services available in the city to assist them.
A study has found over two thirds of people would rather wait until they should have paid their bills before seeking any help, with 30% of those admitting they’ve waited up to three months in the past.
Less than half (36%) said they would contact their energy provider to discuss their fuel debt, and a further 24% of people wouldn’t turn to anyone for help if they found themselves struggling to pay their bills.
The findings come during Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, which is being held today by charity National Energy Action.
British Gas funds the British Gas Energy Trust, an independent charitable body which provides advice, support and funding to people who need urgent help to clear their energy debts.
Since 2011, the Trust has funded an energy debt advisor in the Plymouth Energy Community, providing practical help to people across the region, via the centre in Ballard House.
The Trust provides grants to people in need to help them clear their energy debts, provide them with payments to help with the repair or replacement of boilers, purchase energy efficient white goods, pay insolvency fees or provide assistance with funeral arrears.
Paul Elliott, PEC Advisor based at the Plymouth Energy Community is encouraging people get in touch with them to talk about any issues they have with their fuel bills.
Paul said: “There is a wealth of support out there for people who are struggling with energy bills, and we’re hoping Fuel Poverty Awareness day will help spread the message across Plymouth so that people needn’t suffer in silence.
“The British Gas Energy Trust can help people manage their bills, make their homes more energy efficient and apply for help towards energy arrears to help get people back on track when it comes to their bills. I would encourage anybody in Plymouth who is struggling with energy debt or heating their home to reach out to the Trust through their Plymouth Energy Community advisor.”