Join the Summer Reading Challenge
Plymouth children who sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge on Saturday 11 July could also help to set a brand new Guinness World Record.
Organised by The Reading Agency in partnership with local libraries, the Summer Reading Challenge encourages four to 11-year-olds to read six or more library books or eBooks during the school summer holiday.
The Summer Reading Challenge is being launched in Plymouth at Plymstock library on Saturday 11 July, with Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health.
More than 3,650 Plymouth children took part in the challenge in 2014 and this year, young readers are being encouraged to explore some of the real-life achievements featured in the Guinness World Records books.
All children who complete the challenge and read at least six books of their choice will be entered into a prize draw to win a LEGO Technic Record Breaker car and a brand new edition of Guinness World Records 2016. They will also be presented with a medal at their library and a certificate during their school assembly.
There’s a mini-challenge for the under-fours too, so the whole family can join in.
Children can sign up for free at any Plymouth library from Saturday 11 July – and if they sign up that day they could also help to set a new Guinness World Record for ‘most pledges received for a reading campaign’.
Hundreds of public libraries across the UK are taking part in the record attempt and need to collect pledges from at least 100,000 children and grown-ups between Friday 10 and Monday 13 July.
There are three different pledges for different age groups:
• Children: visit the library and read over the summer
• Young volunteers: encourage children to complete the Summer Reading Challenge and read over the summer
• Adults (parents, carers and teachers): encourage people they know to read with children this summer
Plymouth is collecting its pledges on Saturday 11 July at the Central, Devonport, Plympton and Plymstock libraries.
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health, said: “The Summer Reading Challenge is always really popular and it’s a great way to encourage reading during the summer holiday. Record Breakers will have something on offer for children of all ages and reading levels and there are lots of goodies and prizes up for grabs.”
“I am delighted to be able to help kick off this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. Reading is such an important life skill and the challenge will inspire local children to use their local library over the summer.”
Free ‘Record Breakers’ activities are being held at libraries throughout the summer and will include stories, crafts, storytelling and dance workshops. Visit www.plymouth.gov.uk/recordbreakers to find out more.
There’s also lots for children to discover at www.recordbreakers.org.uk, where they can keep a record of their challenge progress and there’s a Record Breakers Summer Reading Challenge app available to download at sol.us/records.
For more information call 01752 305900 or email library@plymouth.gov.uk.