Lord Mayor Designate announces Deputy 2016
Lord Mayor Designate Councillor Pauline Murphy has announced that Councillor Sam Davey will be her Deputy for the year.
Councillor Sam Davey, who represents Stoke ward was a deck officer in the Merchant Navy and also a police officer in Sunderland.
He moved to Plymouth in 1979 to attend the School of Maritime Studies. He liked Plymouth so much that he decided to stay here, working at the Marine Biological Association, Blue Circle Cement, the Child Support Agency and finally in administration in the Faculty of Art at Plymouth University before retiring in 2014.
He was elected as a Councillor in 2012 serving on the Licensing and Planning Committees, as well as the Co-operative Scrutiny Board.
His daughter Bethan Davey will be the Deputy Lady Mayoress for the year. The 24 year old has a BA in Sports Development and Coaching and her career includes being a play ranger, a Residential House Tutor and hockey coach at Plymouth College.
Councillor Davey said: “I am proud that Councillor Murphy has asked me to be her Deputy Lord Mayor and will help and support her in representing the city of Plymouth and its residents.”
Councillor Murphy said: “I am delighted to announce that Cllr Sam Davey has agreed to be my Deputy Lord Mayor for the municipal year 2016-17. Councillor Davey will be a valued asset to the Lord Mayoral team and will give 100 per cent in his role. He will be an excellent ambassador for the city of Plymouth and I am looking forward to working with him and his daughter Bethan who will be his Deputy Lady Mayoress throughout my year as Lord Mayor”
Councillor Davey will take up his role in May.