M5 policing operation hailed a success
Police have hailed a roads policing operation which took place yesterday (22 December) on the M5 aimed at combating the ‘Fatal Four’ driving habits as a success.
As part of Operation Vortex, police used a number of unmarked vehicles to help target motorists who disregard road traffic laws and cause danger to others.
The operation focused on tackling the ‘Fatal Four’ behaviours - namely excessive or inappropriate speed, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, not wearing a seat belt and driver distractions including the use of mobile devices whilst behind the wheel.
The Roads Policing Unit took action against 59 drivers for a range of offences including speeding and use of mobile phones. The list of offences included:
31 speeding offences
14 drivers pulled over for mobile phone use
Four incidences of drivers not wearing seatbelts
Two driving licence offences
Two vehicles without a valid MOT
Two incidences of driving without due care and attention
One vehicle without insurance
One lorry driver committing tachograph offences
Three drivers not in proper control of their vehicle - Those not in control of their vehicle were breathalysed as a result of this offence but none blew over the drink-drive limit.
Depending on the offence, those caught were issued warnings, given fixed-penalty tickets and can expect points to be added to their licence. A number of drivers will also be attending a speed awareness course in the New Year.
Inspector Andy Hamilton, Head of Roads Policing, said: “We are pleased with the outcome of the operation and hope this will go some way to tackling complacent and reckless driving attitudes.
“I am disappointed with the number of people we had to stop due to the driver using a mobile phone on the road. Not only is this illegal, it is a potentially fatal action as losing concentration, even only for a split-second, when travelling on a motorway can lead to devastating injury and can cost lives.
“We will continue to carry out similar enforcement operations across the Force area to crack down on those drivers on our roads today who appear to have little if any thought for other road users.”