Medical school gets seal of approval
Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine has been given the seal of approval in its General Medical Council report, with assessors stating that “the quality of medical education was found to be high.”
The report is part of the GMC’s remit to ensure that all medical schools comply with the standards and outcomes set out in “Tomorrow’s Doctors”. The report comes from meetings with the senior management team and students and an online student survey.
The GMC found that medical students felt supported throughout the course and that they value the high quality feedback they receive.
The report also commended the School’s commitment to social engagement, and its plans to enhance the curriculum for years three and four to include an increased focus on engagement with the local community, long term professional placements and further opportunities for students to get involved with clinical audit, research, patient safety and quality improvement projects.
Professor Robert Sneyd, Dean of Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, commented: “This excellent report from the GMC stands testament to the hard work, innovation and commitment shown by my colleagues and to the impressive relationship we have with our students.”
He added: “We are committed to three core aims: exceptional clinical learning; strong social engagement; and world class research. While our students are with us, those core aims feature strongly in their learning experience with associated positive impacts on the health and wellbeing of people in the communities within which we sit. This is not just good news for us and our students: it is good news for the region and the future of medical training.”