More money for victims of child sexual abuse
More money is available to help victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation in Devon and Cornwall.
Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez is inviting bids from local organisations for a share of £140,000 funding provided to her by the Ministry of Justice.
Ms Hernandez wants to ensure that every child who suffers sexual abuse is given the right support by well trained professionals when they need it and for as long as they need it.
“Although there is a great deal of excellent work going on, this will allow specialist service providers to offer more targeted support for victims.” said Ms Hernandez.
“It will reduce growing waiting lists and extend the reach of existing services.”
“Any child from any background can be affected, and there are many who would not normally be regarded as vulnerable.”
Waiting times for therapeutic support are growing and, according to new research from the NSPCC*, one in five children referred to local specialist NHS mental health services are rejected for treatment. Not all children who have been abused will have a diagnosable mental health problem but many will still need considerable support to help them deal with their trauma.
Ms Hernandez said: “I have recently backed the NSPCC’s ‘It’s time for change’ campaign and I am committed to increasing the available support through this grant funding scheme.”
“I urge local providers to apply directly to me for this new money for innovative new projects or to expand on the success of current work which is making such a difference for local young people.”
Due to new rules on public sector commissioning, applicants will need to register with the Bluelight Emergency Services eTendering Site (https://bluelight.eu-supply.com/) to access the details of this fund.
Applicants with questions should contact:
Lyn Gooding
Criminal Justice, Commissioning and Partnership Officer
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
Email: Lyn.GOODING@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk
Telephone: 07702 924359