New #StayLocalShopSafe campaign launches to encourage local and safe shopping
In East Devon, the Reopening of the High Streets programme is supporting a district wide media campaign, #StayLocalShopSafe, to inform residents and visitors about how to use their high streets and town centres safely and showcasing how local businesses are responding to the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by adapting, evolving and reaching out to their community, offering safe and responsive ways to access the goods and services that they need.
The ‘Reopening High Streets Safely' fund means East Devon District Council has been able to put additional measures in place across towns and public spaces to enable safe trading environments for businesses and customers. The Streetscene team have rolled out a number of temporary public realm changes; this includes the provision of hand sanitiser stations, safety signage and pavement markings. Furthermore, the Environmental Health team have recruited two COVID Compliance Officers whose role is to support local businesses.
Chief Executive of East Devon District Council, Mark Williams said: "We are delighted to see the reopening of our high streets. Retailers in East Devon have worked incredibly hard during the national lockdown to create COVID secure shopping experiences so that products and services can be accessed safely. We are now calling on local residents to rediscover their high street, remain local and stay safe whilst also supporting the multitude of great independent businesses on offer."
Helen Newman, Owner of Honiton Sports Shop said: "The past few months have been challenging for local business owners such as ours. The #StayLocalShopSafe reminds shoppers and retailers of the government safety guidance and reassures people that they can shop safely on their local high street.
"We hope that the campaign will encourage local residents to rediscover what the businesses on their local high street have to offer. When people choose to support local independent businesses they support local people and protect the long term prosperity of our towns and high streets."
The advice given by East Devon District Council remains, when visiting your High Street, please follow the latest government guidance, regularly wash or sanitise your hands, wear a mask, maintain social distancing at all times and take in plenty of fresh air.
Please #StayLocalShopSafe and support your #EastDevon High Street.
Discover more about the campaign and shopping safely on social media and at: http://eastdevon.gov.uk/staylocalshopsafe/
East Devon District Council received an allocation of £130,992 of funding from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 to support the safe reopening of High Streets and town centres.