Online meetings begin in NHS consultation on future services in Teignmouth and Dawlish
Online meetings begin as part of NHS consultation on future services in Teignmouth and Dawlish Consultation dates: 1 September to 26 October 2020
Local people are invited to join a series of online meetings as part of an NHS public consultation on the future shape of health and care services in the Teignmouth and Dawlish area.
More than 16,000 copies of the full consultation document and response form are landing on doormats in the Teignmouth and Dawlish area this week to ensure local people can find out a proposal by NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
With COVID-19 still circulating, the consultation is taking place in a different way, with live meetings being held online so that the risks of public gatherings are avoided.
The first of the six meetings takes place on Friday, 11 September, 2020, from 2.30pm to 4pm.
All are welcome to take part and full guidance on how to join is available on the CCG’s website: www.devonccg.nhs.uk/teignmouth-and-dawlish
Dr Paul Johnson, clinical chair of Devon CCG, said: “We are looking forward to sharing more about our proposal with local people. There will be an opportunity to watch a video, hear a brief presentation and then ask questions of the panel which will include senior leaders of Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust, the CCG and local GPs.”
People without the internet can have their say in a number of other ways, including asking for a telephone conversation with someone from the NHS, and returning the paper survey in the consultation document.
Devon CCG is asking people to consider its proposal for moving services from Teignmouth Community Hospital, given that a new £8million Health and Wellbeing Centre is due to be built in the heart of Teignmouth.
The centre will bring GP services, community health and care and voluntary sector services together under one roof in the centre of town, meaning that care can be much more easily coordinated for each patient.
The CCG is proposing to move the most highly-used community clinics – podiatry, physiotherapy and audiology – from Teignmouth Community Hospital into the new centre, along with consultant-led ear nose and throat clinics.
The CCG proposes that all other clinics and day case procedures move from Teignmouth Community Hospital to Dawlish Community Hospital, four miles away.
And it proposes to reverse an earlier decision to provide 12 rehabilitation beds at Teignmouth Community Hospital, saying successful community services have made them unnecessary.
Teignmouth’s biggest GP Practice, Channel View Medical Group, will move into the Health and Wellbeing Centre, saying it will help them attract new doctors and nurses – something that has recently been difficult.
If the proposal is approved, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust says it would no longer need Teignmouth Community Hospital and would be likely to sell it so the proceeds could be reinvested in the local NHS.
The live online meeting dates are on:
Friday, 11 September 2.30pm-4pm Thursday 17 September 10.30am-12noon Wednesday 23 September 6pm-7.30pm
Tuesday 29 September Monday 5 October Saturday 17 October
3pm-4.30pm 11.30am-1pm 11am-12.30pm
People can go to the website www.devonccg.nhs.uk/teignmouth-and-dawlish for more information, to register as an interested stakeholder and receive regular updates, express an interest in attending an on-line meeting or to invite the CCG to meet remotely with their community group to discuss the proposals.
A series of supporting documents and information, including the main consultation document and survey form, is now also available to read and download.
The survey can also be completed online.
Local people can also call 0800 0520 029 (for free) on Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm, with any queries or to ask to speak to someone from the CCG.
The phone line is being staffed by the independent health watchdog, Healthwatch in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay, which is overseeing the consultation and will collate, analyse and report on the feedback received.
Thousands of other homes across South Devon and Torbay are receiving leaflets letting them know about the consultation.