People's Postcode Lottery supports Missing People
Right now the charity Missing People are appealing for information on more than 30 people missing in the South West alone, including Charlotte Addams who is currently missing from Plymouth.
Everyone who knows her is living in limbo whilst waiting for news; and is desperate for reassurance that, no matter how long she has been gone, everything possible is being done to keep the search alive in the hope of bringing her home.
It takes just 2 minutes to sign up to play People’s Postcode Lottery. In that same time someone’s loved one will go missing in the UK. Every 5 minutes, that missing loved one will be a child. In total, 250,000 people go missing in the UK each year – the same number of people who live in Plymouth! In searching for all those missing every second counts and that’s why the charity Missing People needs as much help as possible to look for and reunite missing loved ones.
Missing People uses newspaper, poster and social media campaigns to get appeals out quickly to thousands of volunteers, partners and members of the public; whilst the charity’s memorable helpline number – 116 000 – makes it easy for missing people, their families, and anyone with information about a missing person to contact us free and in confidence, 24/7.
Players of People’s Postcode Lottery make a vital contribution to our charity, helping us to continue being a lifeline when someone disappears. We’re thrilled when players win life-changing sums of money: like lucky Plymouth local Lisa Hayman who won £25,000 in the Saturday Street Prize draw on 30 May. Congratulations, Lisa!
To date, players of People’s Postcode Lottery across Great Britain have raised more than £2.9 million for Missing People!
We’re immensely grateful to Lisa, and all People’s Postcode Lottery players in Plymouth and throughout the South West – we could not hope to keep the search alive for vulnerable missing children and adults like Charlotte Addams without such generous contributions.