Plans submitted for new bus link road in Derriford
Proposals for a new bus link road between Derriford Hospital and the University of St Mark and St John (Marjon) have been submitted to city planners.
The Marjon Link Road Scheme will provide a two-way, bus-only road between Marjon and Derriford Hospital, with a segregated cycleway and footpath. It will allow buses to bypass part of the A386 and Derriford Roundabout, improving bus journey times and reliability as well as providing better access to the campus.
Plymouth City Council has been awarded over £1 million for the scheme through the Department for Transport’s 'Local Pinch Point Fund', which will be boosted by an additional £450,000 of developer contributions.
The Council says the new link road will help to ease congestion on the main route into Plymouth from the north and, together with the recently built Runway Road, will provide some of the strategic transport infrastructure needed to support Derriford’s future growth.
As part of the scheme a dedicated lane will be provided on Derriford Road for traffic turning right into the hospital, which will not only reduce delays for buses serving the hospital but also other traffic wanting to travel straight on at this junction. This should improve journey times for people needing to access the Tamar Science Park and other business sites.
Digital ‘real time’ displays will also be provided in the bus stops on the link road, as well as inside the foyer and waiting areas of the hospital and Marjon.
The scheme will benefit people living, working and studying in Derriford, as well as those travelling in and out of Plymouth along this busy route, according to the Council. By improving bus reliability it is hoped the measures will encourage operators to extend more of their services to call in at Derriford Hospital and Marjon.
Planners believe it will also provide better and safer facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and form part of the new north to south cycle route between Derriford and the train station and city centre.
The planning application can be viewed online at www.plymouth.gov.uk/planningonline - the reference is 13/01908/FUL.
It is anticipated that the planning decision will be made in December 2013 and, if the plans are approved, detailed design of the scheme will be completed by May 2014. Construction is due to start in Summer 2014 and the link road is expected to open in Spring 2015.