Plymouth baby swimming teachers prepare for charity skydive
Two brave baby swimming teachers from Turtle Tots Plymouth & West Devon will be swapping their swimsuits for jumpsuits on 10th June, as they plan to jump out of a plane and sky dive 15,000 feet in aid of Plymouth's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) parental accommodation campaign 'Keep Me Close'.
Turtle Tots already donate a percentage of their class fees to ‘Keep Me Close’ and now teachers Calli and Emily will be going one step forward with this daredevil challenge in the hope of raising £1000.
Calli, the owner of Turtle Tots Plymouth is absolutely thrilled to be part the charity sky dive. She said: “ although there will be some nerves on the day it will all be worth it knowing we are raising lots of money for such a worthwhile campaign for parents here in the South West.”
Emily, a teacher at Turtle Tots Plymouth added: “Like Calli, I am extremely nervous about the sky dive but we have been so overwhelmed with the support we have received from family, friends and customers that we can’t back out now!! Plus we are raising money for an incredible cause that is very close to our hearts as baby swimming teachers.”
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth offers the highest level of specialist expertise and care for babies born in the South West region; babies who have either been born prematurely or with other life threatening illnesses.
At the NICU, given the nature of the babies cared for, parents are encouraged to remain close by and the ‘Keep Me Close’ campaign was set-up to help more parents have this opportunity. With the funds being raised for ‘Keep Me Close’, the aim is to redevelop a new area of the hospital so families have that all-important home from home environment while their baby is being looked after.
Calli, who is also the owner of Turtle Tots Plymouth & West Devon, added: “Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of teaching many babies who started out their little life at the NICU and we know from speaking to their parents what amazing care they received. The Keep Me Close campaign is therefore incredibly important for parents - the new accommodation will give families travelling from all over the South West, the space and privacy they require during difficult times.”
To help Calli and Emily reach their £1000 fundraising target, go to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/turtle-tots-plymouth
For further information on Turtle Tots Plymouth & West Devon visit https://www.turtletots.com/plymouthandwestdevon