Plymouth fights for better jobs and more of them
Plymouth is one of the areas leading in the fight for better jobs and more of them.
Business, council and social enterprise leaders in Plymouth are among those supporting the city in asking the Government to devolve powers to help get more people into work. Plymouth is one of 23 local authorities leading a national report - 'Unlocking our Wealth'- which is published today (Thursday). The aim is to bring more jobs into local communities, and of a higher quality.
World class employers based in Plymouth inclding Babcock International, Kawasaki and social enterprises such as Real Ideas Initiative are among those supporting Plymouth City Council in the bid to help grow the local economy and reduce long-term unemployment.
Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet Member for Co-operatives, Housing and Community Safety at Plymouth City Council, said: "The city's economy is growing and growing but we need to make sure this growth is linked in to local communities so that everyone benefits.
"We need to make sure more people are employed and engaged to feel they have a stake in Plymouth's growth.
"We have already demonstrated our commitment and want to build on the strength of schemes such as our 1000 Club scheme to help more young people into work, delivering our employability passport, Plymouth's Deal for Business and through a Better Deal for Communities.
"We are asking the Government to devolve part of its 'back to work' programme to local authorities to help get more long term unemployed back into work. It is striking that nationally, 90 per cent of ESA claimants on work programme have not moved into jobs.
"Both the Council and many of the world class employers we have in Plymouth want this to happen."
Steve Cardew, Managing Director of Kawasaki Precision Machinery said: “It is hugely important to us that Plymouth is successful. This is the place where our employees live and are educated. If it is not an attractive place that gives people the right skills then we cannot survive.”
Simon Hosking of Babcock International's Marine Technology Division, said: “Babcock is a major employer in the Plymouth region, supporting nearly 5,000 jobs and seeking to maintain, develop and grow its skills base via a current annual intake of 100 apprentices and 50 graduates. Whilst these offer a well-paid route to learn valuable skills and become a team member in a thriving business we sadly find that the entry level skills demanded in our business are not always able to be fully satisfied.
"We welcome the proposals in this report for councils to broker more effective relationships between schools and employers, highlighting career opportunities and enabling providers to better develop the skill sets of students to meet the local demand required by Babcock and other businesses.”
The national Unlocking Our Wealth Report was unveiled at the Cooperative Councils Innovation Network in London and can be accessed via the CCIN website: http://www.coopinnovation.co.uk/publications/unlocking-our-wealth-report...