Plymouth flushed with pride as loos win awards
Plymouth City Council is proud to have received two platinum awards for our newest toilets on the Barbican and a third for the loos in Armada Way.
During the summer of 2014 Plymouth City Council opened a brand new toilet block at Quay Point opposite the Mayflower Visitor Centre and a second one at Elphinstone car park.
Now these two brand new toilet blocks which cost a total of £370,000 have been given the highest grade in toilet standards, a platinum award.
The Loo of the Year Awards only grade toilets after the facility receives an unannounced visit from a Loo of the Year Awards Inspector. When judging the facilities the inspector looks at everything from signage, to décor, fixtures, fittings and overall standards of cleanliness and management.
It is highly likely that the design of the new toilet blocks which included a range of features to make sure they are pleasant to use, as well as more environmentally-friendly, all played their part in determining the award.
Both toilet blocks have automatic lighting, efficient water use and back up flush systems. There is also a 20p charge to use the toilets, to help keep anti-social behaviour in check and to contribute to their upkeep.
Councillor Brian Vincent said “The Barbican is a really important area of the city which is used throughout the year by residents and visitors who want to enjoy everything the Barbican has to offer. It is fantastic to see that our efforts to provide decent facilities for these people has been recognised.
Good clean facilities has always been important to us and with the port hole window and European oak cladding, we have created facilities that are also well deigned and welcoming.”
Over one thousand six hundred entries were submitted for Loo of the Year Awards 2014, from facility providers in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. Each loo was inspected and then graded from bronze to platinum.
The Loo of the Year Awards and associated Attendant of the Year Awards has been identifying the best loos in Britain since 1987 and are now recognised as standard setters.