Plymouth prepares to celebrate VE Day 70
Plymouth will be joining towns and cities from across the UK in lighting a beacon on Friday 8 May to celebrate the 70th anniversary of VE Day.
More than 100 beacons will be lit at sundown, from coast to coast, as the nation remembers the end of the Second World War in Europe.
Plymouth’s beacon will be lit on the south west bastion of the Royal Citadel and, weather permitting, should be visible all along the waterfront.
It will be lit at 9.32pm, following a short service of dedication led by 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery padre Reverend Karl Freeman.
The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Councillor Michael and Mrs Rosemary Fox will be among guests at the Citadel, along with standard bearers and representatives from the ex-service community.
Earlier that day, at 2.45pm, the Minster Church of St Andrew will host an informal prayer gathering, where people will be able to reflect on the war, remember those who lost their lives and give thanks for VE Day.
St Andrew’s will be observing the national two-minute silence at 3pm, timed to coincide with the moment Winston Churchill broadcast news to the nation that war was over.
Plymouth City Council will also observe the silence during the local election count being held at Plymouth Guildhall that afternoon.
Deputy Council Leader Peter Smith said: “Plymouth is proud to celebrate this important anniversary and remember all those servicemen, servicewomen and civilians who lost their lives and suffered during this terrible global conflict.”
The BBC plans to mark the historic anniversary with three days of special programming, which will include the service of remembrance at the Cenotaph (2.30pm pm on Friday 8 May), the ‘Party to Remember’ concert (8.30pm on Saturday 9 May) and the service of thanksgiving at Westminster, parade of veterans in Parliament Square and Whitehall and fly-past from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and the Red Arrows (10am to 1.30pm on Sunday 10 May).
All three programmes will be shown live on the big screen on the Armada Way piazza.