Police support National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week
In support of National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week, which will run from Monday the 28th of November to Sunday 4 December, Devon and Cornwall, and Dorset Police will be taking part in a week of action which will include providing advice on how to keep safe, and encouraging people to report any concerns.
Both police forces will be asking anyone who has concerns about online material that they suspect to be extremist or terrorist, to report it by clicking on a distinctive red "STOP" button that can be found on each force website. STOP stands for Stop Terrorists' and extremists' Online Presence.
As part of this awareness campaign, officers will also be conducting a day of action to relaunch the nationally Project Kraken - a joint initiative now being delivered by Border Force, the National Crime Agency, and police forces to strengthen the maritime industry's response to threats - on Thursday the 1st of December.
Superintendent Mike Rogers, of the Alliance Operations Department, said: “We urge the public to be alert but not alarmed by the continued ‘severe’ threat level. We carry out daily activities to help maintain the protection and security of residents, public institutions, infrastructure, businesses and places across Devon, Cornwall and Dorset.
“This part of the UK remains a very safe place to live, and we do not have any specific concerns at this time, but it is also important that our residents remain vigilant and are aware of how to protect themselves if the need arises.”
Although there is no intelligence to suggest an attack is imminent, the threat to the UK from international terrorism is currently assessed as ‘severe’, meaning that an attack is highly likely. The UK has been operating at this level since August 2014.
Throughout the week, Police will be issuing information on how to stay safe online. The internet and social media provides many opportunities for those with extreme views to target vulnerable individuals.
Supt Rogers added: “The Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit aim to remove terrorist and extremist material; however, the police depend on public support in this endeavour.
“Both Forces are reminding the public of the national ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ initiative, which sets out practical steps that can be taken in the event of a terrorist incident.
“In the rare event of a firearms or weapons attack, RUN to a place of safety. This is a better option than to surrender or negotiate.
“If there’s nowhere to go, then HIDE. Remember to turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate. Barricade yourself in if you can.
“TELL the police by calling 999 when it is safe to do so.”
National Counter Terrorism Policing (NCTP) launched a short public information film to support the ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ initiative. We encourage the public to watch this video to remind themselves of how to stay safe.
If you see or hear anything unusual that could be terrorist-related, trust your instincts and call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 or report it directly to police by calling 101 or via the 101 email.
You can also report crimes online via Dorset’s ‘Do it Online’ function at www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online or https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/contact/report-a-crime-online/ for Devon and Cornwall.
In an emergency, always dial 999.