Public toilets reopen on parts of Dartmoor
Toilets owned by Dartmoor National Park Authority have reopened.
Following comprehensive risk assessments, toilets have reopened at:
• Haytor (the accessible toilet only – the male and female ones remain closed)
• Dartmeet
• Venford Reservoir (the accessible toilet and male toilets only – the female loos remained closed)
• Meldon Reservoir.
They are open seven days a week.
The layout of the toilets at Haytor, and the female ones at Venford, means it is difficult for people to stay two-metres apart. They remain closed for now but the accessible toilets can be used instead.
We urge people to remain considerate of each other as we all continue to observe social distancing rules. We’re asking that a maximum of two people use them at any one time to help stick to the two-metre principle.
We will close toilets when undertaking enhanced cleaning measures and ask people to be patient and not to go into them while work is happening.
Car parking fees reintroduced
Car parking fees have been reintroduced at Authority-owned car parks at Meldon Reservoir, Haytor (upper and lower) and Princetown.
Money from the Authority’s car parks directly helps to keep Dartmoor a special place by supporting vital conservation projects, maintaining paths, trails and well-used visitor facilities.
Dartmoor National Park Authority’s Head of Recreation, Access and Estates Andrew Watson said: “We have been working hard to re-open the Authority’s public toilets. This has taken some time, but we wanted to be sure they are safe for people to use while social distancing measures remain in place, and to maintain safety for staff cleaning them. We also carried out deep cleaning and essential repairs and maintenance while they were closed.
“Our car parks have been free during lockdown and through the subsequent easing of restrictions but after careful consideration, we are now reintroducing charges.
"As a gesture of goodwill, we are temporarily holding prices at 2019 levels, and will introduce 2020 prices in due course and when restrictions ease completely.”
“The money you pay to park in our places will go directly towards conserving Dartmoor and supporting visitor services.”
The Authority’s public toilets at Postbridge National Park Visitor Centre remain closed due to building works. It is free to park in the car park.
Please be aware toilets managed by other organisations within the National Park may still be closed at present.
If you plan to visit Dartmoor, please follow the Countryside Code, including keeping dogs on leads, taking all litter home and not having barbecues, as well as social distancing rules.