Pupils tour children’s wards for Gold Dust
Pupils from College Road Primary School have been helping to make design suggestions for our children’s wards as part of the Gold Dust Appeal.
The 12 pupils, all members of the school council and aged between five and 11 years old were given a tour of the wards on Derriford’s Level 12, asked to pick colours and themes for a revamp and then given certificates for their efforts.
The Gold Dust Appeal aims to raise £100,000 to create bright, exciting and welcoming wards for local children and young people at Plymouth Hospitals. We want to be able to care for children in a stimulating and sensitive environment with bright and spacious surroundings, which will provide greater comfort and privacy for children and their families.
College Road Primary School Headteacher Jim Wallace said: ““The children, who form the School Council here at College Road, select which charities they would like to support each year. They chose to help the Gold Dust appeal because it is a local charity and they wanted to do something to help the children that stay on the ward and make their time there more relaxed and comfortable.”
Sam Blom, aged 10, Year Five School Councillor, said it was great to learn what the charity do and see how the money we raise might be spent, I never knew there was a school inside of the ward so the children can still learn whilst they are staying there.
Emma Cronin, Gold Dust Appeal Fundraising Manager, said: “We are keen to involve as many schools as possible with our appeal. The children can think of fun ways to raise money and awareness and the College Road pupils have been able to help us with idea for nature and seaside themes and colours for our ward transformations.
“Many families with children in school in and around Plymouth will have visited Level 12 when their sons and daughters have been ill or injured and I am sure will support us in our work to create a better environment for everyone.”
For more information about the Gold Dust Appeal and how to get involved visit http://bit.ly/OurGoldDustAppeal and like our Gold Dust page on Facebook.