Resurfacing planned for more Plymouth roads
Another 29 Plymouth roads are set to get a new lease of life over the next nine weeks as the Council continues its resurfacing programme for 2015.
The resurfacing works, which get under way on Monday 13 April, will take place on roads where multiple potholes have developed and are causing widespread damage.
They are being carried out by the Council’s highways contractor Amey alongside its day-to-day road maintenance programme, with 10 gangs carrying out permanent first-time repairs to individual potholes across the city.
The Roadmaster is also out repairing groups of potholes and a programme of preventative micro-asphalting, which will see around 110,000 square metres of new surface laid on 27 roads across the city, started at the end of March.
Works will be taking place on the following roads and dates:
- Novorossiysk Road, Monday 13 to Friday 17 April
- Cattedown Road (Wharf), Sunday 19 and Sunday 26 April
- King Street, Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 April
- Saltash Road, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 April
- Durnford Street, Friday 24 April
- Wolseley Road, Monday 27 April
- Cattedown Road, Tuesday 28 April
- Lambhay Hill, Wednesday 29 April to Friday 1 May
These initial works are being carried out overnight (6.30pm to 6am) to minimise disruption to traffic.
They will all require road closures and residents and businesses nearby are being notified in advance. Access to properties will be maintained as far as possible and any diversion routes will be signposted.
The full list of roads being treated, along with dates and time, will be available soon at www.plymouth.gov.uk/roadrepairs. For the latest updates on road closures and improvement works follow @plymouthroads on Twitter.