Shaldon Wildlife Trust is closed because of coronavirus but the work continues!
Despite shutting on the 23rd March due to the coronavirus outbreak, work at Shaldon Wildlife Trust continues. The zoo, based in Shaldon, houses over 50 species and is renowned for its success with endangered species and for the conservation work it does.
With the doors closed all visitor income has ceased and so a fund raiser has been launched to keep the zoo going through the closure. Despite having reserves a prolonged period of closure would has the potential to cause major issues for zoos up and down the country. The zookeepers have kept on working, ensuring all 250 plus mouths are feed and cared for.
Director, Zak Showell said “A closed zoo is on one hand a zookeepers dream, they can focus solely on the animals but on the other is terrifying that our source of income has completely gone”.
There has even been lock down births with a baby Prevost’s squirrel and a black-cheeked lovebird being born and potentially more on the way.
Zak Showell said “now would be a busy time for us with it being the Easter holidays. We will continue to provide the highest level of welfare to our animals but food, electricity and vets all cost money and we’re asking for the support of the local community”.
Shaldon Wildlife Trusts fundraiser can be found here - https://www.gofundme.com/f/shaldon-wildlife-trust-needs-you