South West sees fourth largest population growth in the UK
The population of the South West region is estimated to have grown by 38.8 thousand, according to figures released today (Thursday 8 August) by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The figures reveal that the overall population of the UK was estimated to be 63.7 million in mid-2012, up from the estimated 63.3 million in mid-2011. This represents a growth of 419,900 (0.7%) in the year to 30 June 2012.
According to the ONS, the growth was due to there being more births than deaths - June 2011 to June 2012 showed the highest birth rate since 1972 - and more international migrants arriving than emigrants leaving.
The estimated net growth in the South West population to mid-2012 is the fourth largest in the UK; London, the South East and East were the top three.
The ONS estimates the total population of the South West region to have been 5,339,637 as at June 2012.
UK's year to June 2012 estimated population headline stats
- The population of the South West was estimated to be 5.3 million in mid-2012, up 38.8 thousand from the estimated mid-2011 figure.
- The population of the UK was estimated to be 63.7 million in mid-2012, up from the estimated 63.3 million in mid-2011. This represents a growth of 419,900 (0.7%) in the year to 30 June 2012.
- The estimated populations of the four constituent countries of the UK in mid-2012 are 53.5 million people in England, 5.3 million in Scotland, 3.1 million in Wales and 1.8 million in Northern Ireland.
- In the UK there were 813,200 births and 558,800 deaths occurring in the year to 30 June 2012. This is the largest number of births seen since the year to mid-1972.
- The population of the UK aged 65 and over was 10.8 million (17% of the UK population) in mid-2012.
- The estimated flow of international migrants to the UK in the year to 30 June 2012 was 517,800 and estimated outflow for the same period was 352,100. This means that UK net migration was 165,600 in the year to mid-2012.
- The population increase of the UK in the year to 30 June 2012 was caused by there being 254,400 more births than deaths (61% of the increase) and 165,600 more international migrants arriving than emigrants leaving (39% of the increase).
- The mid-2012 population of the UK ranks third, behind Germany and France when compared to other member states of the European Union.
- The absolute increase in population of the UK was greater than that of any other European Union member state during the 12 months to 30 June 2012.