Stagecoach South West marks Bus and Coach Worker Support Day
Stagecoach South West has paid tribute to the country’s bus and coach workers, as it joins the industry today to mark Bus and Coach Worker Support Day in recognising the thousands of people involved in keeping key bus services running during the Covd-19 pandemic.
Stagecoach South West has joined forces with the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) and government to publicly thank all of the country’s bus and coach workers for continuing to run essential services.
As part of the support day, members of the public are encouraged to share messages of thanks for bus and coach workers using the official hashtags #ThankYouBusWorkers or #ThankYouCoachWorkers. The CPT and Stagecoach South West twitter feed will also display stories about how bus drivers and other bus workers are helping to support their local communities and look after customers during these difficult times.
Buses continue to deliver vital links for key workers and are crucial in connecting people with medical care, supermarkets and other essential places. Stagecoach, the country’s biggest bus and coach operator, has also been providing extra support for key sector workers. This includes dedicated shuttles and demand responsive transport for healthcare workers as well as measures to support local communities, the supply chain and distribution networks.
Martin Griffiths, Chief Executive of Stagecoach said: “There are thousands of bus and coach workers right across the country who are doing a fantastic job in helping to keep the country moving, ensuring links are available for key workers and other essential journeys.
“I would like to add my heartfelt thanks to everybody who is working hard at this time to deliver these crucial transport links. We know from the positive feedback we’ve seen just how appreciative people are of everything we are doing. I hope that everybody will join us today on Bus and Coach Worker Support Day to add their thanks to everybody working on the frontline and behind the scenes to make sure these journeys can continue.
“It’s important that we also take this opportunity today to pay tribute to our colleagues in the public transport industry who have tragically lost their lives to the coronavirus. Our thoughts are with everybody who has lost a loved one.
“Moving forward, buses in particular will be critical to the country’s recovery and re-starting our economy. We are work together with our industry partners and the government on the measures needed to support Britain’s most important mode of public transport, and on the steps to keep people safe and reassured.”
Stagecoach is strictly following government and public health guidelines, including those from the World Health Organisation, to keep its employees and customers safe. A number of extra measures have been put in place including protective screens on buses to provide a physical barrier between our drivers and customers, additional cleaning of key touch points and strict guidelines on social distancing and encouraging contactless where possible.
For more information about Stagecoach South West or to check emergency bus timetables, visit www.stagecoachbus.com/coronavirus