Teenage girl attacked on Plymouth bus
Police are appealing for witnesses after a 14-year-old school girl was subjected to an unprovoked attack by a man and a woman on a bus on Thursday 12th February.
The attack took place at around 8.20-8.40am on the 34 bus which was travelling between Ford Hill, Stoke and Looseleigh Lane, Derriford.
The victim was kicked in the ribs by the woman and subjected to verbal abuse, then threatened by the man she was with – both attackers are unknown to the victim.
The female attacker also threw water over another school girl who attempted to calm the situation, and the man then made a loud threat to all as they left the bus.
The woman is described as white, 19/20 years old, slim build with hair up in a bun, about 5 foot 7 inches tall, English accent. She was wearing a brown/grey coat with a furry hood and black Converse trainers.
The man is described as white, 19/20 years old, chubby build. He spoke with an English accent, wearing a blue hooded top with the hood up, grey over coat and tracksuit bottoms.
The bus was believed to be quite full at the time of the attack and police are wishing to speak to anyone who witnessed the attack or who can identify the attackers.
If you have any information, please email 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or call 101 quoting crime reference CR/010194/15.
You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.