UK marine energy experts visit Plymouth for government led strategic forum
Over 60 industry professionals from across the UK will gather at Plymouth University today <Thursday 5th March> to discuss the future development of the UK wave and tidal energy sector.
The annual meeting of the Marine Energy Programme Board (MEPB), which was established in 2011, provides a strategic forum for UK industry, regional stakeholders and Government to help steer development of the UK marine energy sector. This year’s board meeting is being chaired by the DECC Minister Amber Rudd and is being hosted by the South West Marine Energy Park.
The discussion in Plymouth is expected to focus on the technology advances that have been made over the past 12 months, finance and funding support necessary to enable further technology development and the deployment of pilot wave and tidal projects, and available opportunities for developing a UK supply chain.
Johnny Gowdy, director at Regen SW says – “As marine energy technologies advance the need to secure finance and support for demonstration and commercial projects has become even more critical. The UK is in a great position to take wave and tidal energy forward and, with the right backing from central government and local partners, the South West has the assets and capability to play a significant role in what could be a truly global industry”
The delegates who include technology developers, industry experts, universities and representatives from Scotland and Wales have also been invited to visit the Plymouth University COAST laboratory before the formal meeting starts with a welcome by Oliver Colville MP.
Peter Kydd, strategic director at Parsons Brinckerhoff and chair of the South West Marine Energy Park says “We are very pleased to welcome the MEPB back to the South West for this year’s meeting. This is a great opportunity to showcase the expertise that we have in the region and to share our thoughts on the best strategy to enable the marine energy sector to reach commercial maturity”