Will the new East Devon Local Plan help meet your housing need?
What new-homes are needed in East Devon? Residents are being urged to share their views on proposals in the new East Devon Local Plan which seek to meet the needs of local people.
East Devon District Council’s (EDDC) new draft Local Plan sets out a range of policies to deliver the right homes in the right places. These include proposals to:
- Ensure that more affordable homes are built;
- Provide more specialist homes for older people;
- Ensure all new homes are built to be accessible and adaptable to meet the needs of those with mobility difficulties;
- Provide a mix of homes that matches the needs of residents of the district including more two and three-bed homes;
- Encouraging more self and custom build housing to enable people to have homes designed specifically to their own needs;
- Ensure homes are more energy efficient and cheaper to heat and run.
The Local Plan is the key document used in making planning decisions in East Devon so it is vital that people tell EDDC what they think of the proposals now. Waiting for a planning application could mean that it is too late for your views to change things.
Everyone who lives, works and spends time in the district has been asked to share their views about the future of the district as part of East Devon’s Local Plan Consultation which is now live.
Check out this video on housing in the new draft Local Plan.
Councillor Dan Ledger, portfolio holder for strategic planning and Sustainable Homes and Communities, said: “The new Local Plan is a rare opportunity to reset our requirements for new homes in the district and ensure that they meet the needs of residents now and in the future.
“Although many may not want new homes built near them I am sure we all know of people struggling to find a suitable home whether that be a young person struggling to buy their first home or an older person looking to downsize. We know that there are not enough homes to meet these and many other needs. The Local Plan presents an opportunity to address this and ensure that the new homes built in the district meet them.
“This consultation is your chance to tell us if our understanding of your housing needs is right and whether what we are proposing will help to meet your needs.
“It is vital that people respond to this consultation as it will control what new homes are built in the district between now and 2040. Help us make sure that they are the right homes.”
The feedback EDDC receives on the draft plan will be used to help inform and refine the authority’s thinking as the local plan is progressed.
In just over a years’ time, EDDC hopes to have a final version of the plan informed by the comments it receive that will be consulted on and then be subjected to an examination in public by a Government appointed planning inspector.