Awards recognise Devon businesswomen
Businesses across Devon will gather at a sponsorship lunch to hear about the Venus Awards, which were specifically created to recognise and reward local women in business.
The lunch, which will take place at the Bishop Fleming offices in Exeter, has been designed to celebrate the achievements of hard working women and to inform businesses on how they can get involved.
Celia Delaney, who has organised the awards in Devon for the past two years, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for businesses to reach out to women and inspire their own workforce at the same time. Our sponsors have benefitted enormously from these high profile events and found that it has inspired them to make changes in the way they are speaking to, and promoting, women in the workplace.”
Taking place on Tuesday 5 May, a light lunch will be served at 12.30pm followed by a presentation at 1pm. Guests will also have the chance to network and ask existing sponsors about their involvement in the Venus Awards 2015.
Caroline Orr, marketing director for Astley Media, who are supporting the 2015 awards, said: "I'm a huge fan of the Venus Awards and the philosophy that underpins them. This is a great opportunity for women to be recognised for their outstanding contribution to business and share their success.”
There are roughly 860,000 women in the UK that run their own company generating around £130 billion turnover.
The Venus Awards Devon are due to launch on 21st May 2015 and are looking for female friendly business to sponsor the awards.
If you feel your business qualifies and would benefit from engaging with business women on a more personal level, you can contact Celia Delaney of SpeakingSuccess who is spearheading the awards in Devon at events@celiadelaney.co.uk.