New vision of supported housing for young people
Three supported accommodation services for young people are being redesigned to improve the support being offered to 16 to 25 year olds. Plymouth City Council’s Cabinet will be asked to consider the proposals at the meeting on 12 March 2013.
Adult Social Care currently funds contracts for two supported accommodation services for young people and one for young parents, all three are due to end within the next 12 months. The young people using these services live in designated accommodation and are given help with day to day living.
The key recommendations are to:
- Redesign the services so they better meet the needs of young people with low, medium and intensive support options
- Redesign the services so the type of accommodation available is more versatile
- Create a single point of contact for all of the supporting agencies
- Help young people move on from short term supported accommodation to more independent options in the private rented sector
- Develop options for supported housing for young offenders in line with the new statutory duty
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care said: “We need to ensure that those who are most in need get all the help and support we can give. By redesigning the supported accommodation services we can give more appropriate levels of support and help young people move on to become more independent.”
Councillor Nicky Williams, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People added: “For some young people supported accommodation is a lifeline, the service helps them get back on their feet and get the most out of life. We have an opportunity now to redesign our services so they best meet the needs of young people and I look forward to seeing them take shape.”
If approved by Cabinet, a competitive tendering process will be run for the services.