Cycling's a Breeze - scheme looking for women bike ride leaders
Women interested in cycling can go one step further as Plymouth City Council are looking for more ride leaders to lead women-only bike rides.
The Breeze cycling scheme, established by British Cycling and supported by Sports England, is the biggest cycling programme in the UK to be aimed at women. It aims to provide social group bike rides to help more women feel confident and comfortable to ride a bike.
Every ride is led by a female cyclist and the team is looking for more women to be trained as a Breeze Champion. You do not need to be a cycling expert to become a champion, just be confident on a bike and have the enthusiasm to inspire women to get on their bike.
As a Breeze Champion you will need to be available to attend a one-day ride leadership course and deliver 12 rides over the year. The training course will provide you with the skills needed to plan, organise, promote and lead fun, social bike ride on days and times to suit you.
These organised rides will give local women the opportunity to participate in safe, casual rides, increasing their confidence and boosting their fitness at the same time.
Plymouth City Council’s Cycling Commissioner, Councillor Philippa Davey said: “Cycling has become so popular over the last few years but fewer women seem to be riding bikes. We need more leaders trained to lead rides in Plymouth and offer more opportunities and reach new groups of women.
“You don’t need to be budding Victoria Pendleton’s in order to sign up – as long as you’re confident on a bike and keen to help others, you’re good to go!”
The next Breeze leadership course will take place on Saturday 14 September at the Plymouth Guildhall.
For more information and to book a place contact Nyrene Dudley in the Council’s Sports Development Unit by calling 307028 or emailing nyrene.dudley@plymouth.gov.uk.