Plymouth's Youth Parliament says 'pants to chlamydia'
The Rees and Morley Youth Centres are holding Chlamydia Awareness Weeks during the Easter Holidays for young people in Plympton and Plymstock.
Youth workers will be using a mixture of quizzes and games to encourage young people to learn more about chlamydia and how to get tested. Free socks and pants will be available, courtesy of Plymouth Community Healthcare's Health Improvement Team.
The two weeks of awareness raising begins on Monday at the Rees Youth Centre in Plympton and the Morley Youth Centre in Plymstock.
Harry Samuels said: "With nearly one in 10 young people aged between 15 to 24 in Plymouth testing positive for chlamydia, our message is come in and learn more about chlamydia. It's always good to know how to keep yourself sexually healthy at any age and to take a test if you have ever been sexually active."
Cabinet Member for Children and Young people, Councillor Nicky Williams said: "It's great to see our youth parliament members encourage young people to talk about this issue and to be so upfront about a topic that young people might shy away from.
"Anything that helps keeps our young people healthy is a good thing and I applaud the work of our youth services and the Health Improvement Team for going out to youth centres and getting a serious message across in a fun way."
Jane Michie, Chlamydia Screening Coordinator for Plymouth Community Healthcare, said "We are asking all sexually active young people in Plymouth aged 15 to 24 years to take a test every year and every time they change sexual partner. Most people don't get any symptoms so don't know they have it and it is easy to treat. This promotion will encourage young people to think about looking after themselves and learn more about their sexual health and break down the barriers to taking a test."
The Plyms Youth Work Team offers young people in Plympton and Plymstock a wide range of free activities and advice, support and information.
For more information contact 01752 337267 or see our programme of activities available for young people on the Plmyouth website or visit Facebook at Plymouth Youth Services.