Royal baby is named George Alexander Louis
The waiting is over. Shortly after 6.15pm (Wednesday 24 July), the name of the first son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was announced as George Alexander Louis.
The traditional names end much speculation as to what name Prince William and Kate would choose for the third in line to the throne.
The couple have broken a little with tradition by selecting three names rather than the four that royal princes have often been given in the past.
The baby boy was delivered at 16:24 BST on 22 July at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, west London, weighing 8lb 6oz.
On Tuesday 23 July, before driving home, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge emerged from St Mary's Hospital with their young son shortly after 7.15pm..
Hospital staff and members of the public cheered as the couple held the new prince in their arms and spoke briefly to the assembled crowd and international press and media.
But Prince William confirmed that we would have to wait a little longer to know the name of their first child:
"We are still working on a name" he said.
After almost 24 hours later of further waiting, the Palace released a statement and confirmed the royal child will be known as Prince George.