The Peace Ship 1916: Henry Ford's Bid to End the Great War
Dr Kristofer Allerfeldt, Lecturer in American History, University of Exeter
Dr Kristofer Allerfeldt is an expert on modern American history from the end of the Civil War to the bombing of Pearl Harbour, and specialises in deviancy and bigotry, working on all aspects of crime and racism, nativism and prejudice. He has published works on anti-immigrant sentiment, visions of Americanism, the Ku Klux Klan and crime in general. His lecture looks at the Henry Ford Peace Expedition which carried a delegation of Americans to Norway, Sweden, and Holland to meet with fellow European pacifists in an attempt to end the Great War.
Tuesday 10 November 2015 | 19:00
Theatre 2, Roland Levinsky Building
Tickets: £6.60 | £4.50 concessions | Free to Peninsula Arts Friends.
Ticket discounts available via Artory app.