Report ranks D&C Police as 'good'
A report from Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary released today (Tuesday, October 20, 2015) shows Devon and Cornwall Police has an overall ‘Good’ level of efficiency, but has financial challenges on the horizon.
The efficiency strand of the PEEL report, (Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy), graded Devon and Cornwall ‘Good’ in terms of using resources to meet demand, short and long term financial planning, and keeping people safe and reducing crime.
The report’s only area of concern was how sustainable and affordable policing may be in Devon and Cornwall going forward to 2019 in the face of considerable spending cuts.
Deputy Chief Constable Bill Skelly welcomed the positive nature of the report, but also acknowledged changes which will have to be made with budgets set to be substantially reduced by the Government.
Mr Skelly said: “The report is overwhelmingly positive and says Devon and Cornwall Police is currently on an efficient and sound footing financially and operationally.
“We are doing well with the resources we have and are committed to continuous improvement and continuing to change the way in which we work with our communities to reduce the threat, risk and harm they are exposed too.
“Throughout the last five years, the Force has already changed its shape and focus in the wake of spending cuts and vastly reduced budgets.
“The report says our staff understand the demands we face and are performing well in dealing with this. We also have a good relationship with the Police and Crime Commissioner in identifying areas in which we can improve and change the way in which we police.”
The HMIC report also looks at the Strategic Alliance with Dorset Police and has welcomed the savings and efficiencies being looked at as a result of the project.
DCC Skelly added: “There has to be significant change in how Devon and Cornwall Police and other forces provide policing services in the future.
“We have already adapted our structure and processes to deal with austerity, but this is going to have to evolve further as we move towards the end of this year and further budget cuts are announced.
“Devon and Cornwall Police faces some of the biggest funding challenges for generations and this report acknowledges the unknown quantity that brings until further announcements are made by government later this year.
“What we do know is that the landscape of policing is changing hugely and we have and continue to be committed to working both internally and with our external partners in rising to this challenge.”