Have you registered to vote?
If you haven’t registered to vote in this year’s local elections yet you have less than three weeks left.
The Plymouth City Council elections will take place on Thursday 5 May, along with the Police and Crime Commissioner elections.
Anyone who wants to vote in these elections and have their say must register by midnight on Monday 18 April.
Interim Electoral Services Manager Amerjit Kang said: “It’s really important that everyone who is entitled to vote is able to. If you want to have your say in the elections, you have to be on the register – and it’s now easier than ever to sign up.”
Every voter has to register separately now, rather than by household – the easiest way to do this is by registering online. You can also use this service to update your details (if you have moved house, for example).
Alternatively, call 304866 or 304936 or email ero@plymouth.gov.uk as soon as possible and our electoral services team will send you a voter registration form.
If you’ve lost your form or need help filling it in, contact the team on the details above.
For more information about the elections and registering to vote visit our elections and voting web pages.