Local Cancer Support Group appeals for raffle prizes
The South West Mesothelioma Support Group was set up to provide peer and professional support to patients, families and carers affected by the asbestos related cancer mesothelioma.
There is currently no cure. Plymouth and the South West are hot spots for the disease with many cases emerging among former dockyard workers and labourers.
The group is currently gathering prizes for their Christmas Raffle which is due to be held on 1st December at Saltram House.
Money raised will go towards the continued running of the group, mesothelioma research and the purchase of medical equipment which will help services support patients across the South West. It will also help the group continue spreading mesothelioma and asbestos awareness throughout the region.
If you would like to support our 2016 Christmas Raffle by donating a prize, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our fundraising team. Any small donation to the cause would be greatly appreciated. They can be contacted via Email SWMesoSupport@aol.com or on 01752 601750.
The charity can also be found on Twitter @SWMSGcharity