Plymouth Film Showcase
Celebrating all that is new in film
Monday 29 January-Saturday 17 February
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00, Saturday 11:00-16:00
Free admission
From new filmmakers to new ideas about documentary, animation and the presentation of archive footage, this exhibition extends an invitation to emerging talent to participate.
By Frances Scott, winner of the Peninsula Arts Film Commission Prize 2017
Diviner is structured as a script formed almost entirely from footage found within the South West Film & Television Archive (SWFTA). The work meditates on the nature of history and how we might understand the transmitted image, where the archive becomes a sentient, speaking being. Diviner proposes that rather than a linear experience, history itself is cyclical and bound to repeat, in which the past is a spectral, contemporary scribe to the present.
A Cap, Like Water, Transparent, Fluid Yet With Definite Body
By Bryony Gillard, winner of the Peninsula Arts Film Commission Development Prize 2017
This new moving image work, forms part of a larger project exploring relationships between landscape, alterity, retreat and resistance. The film uses as its starting point the writings of the marginalised bisexual poet, H.D and her ‘jellyfish experience’ of a period psychic breakdown, retreat and sexual awakening on the Isles of Scilly in the early 20th century, in which she envisioned tentacular connections between the female erotic body and mind.
Supported by Arts Council England and Channel 4’s Random Acts
PLAYBACK is the touring exhibition of the Random Acts project, which showcases over 200 award-winning short films made by young artist filmmakers. It captures today’s world: from underground zine cultures, to unconventional desires and digital lives. A number of these films were made in the South West, and this is an opportunity to see the region’s talent on the big screen.
The exhibition features individual touchscreens that let you choose your own films, from drama, comedy, dance and spoken word. Curate your own selection and discover the filmmakers of tomorrow.
Opening Evening: Tuesday 30 January, 17:30
Peninsula Arts Gallery, Plymouth University
Meet the artists and film-makers, and enjoy a special improvised performance by Bryony Gillard and a number of collaborators, in response to the film installation through reading, sound, gesture and movement.