Plympton Academy poetry competition

Authored by ClareG
Posted: Thursday, March 21, 2019 - 10:17

Students at Plympton Academy have been busy reading poetry and writing their own, as part of a school wide poetry competition.
Everyone was first asked to read Charles Causley’s famous poem ‘Devonport’ and then to imagine how the story might continue, before putting pen to paper.
“As all the poems were about the sea and travel we thought it would be apt for someone from the Naval Base to present the prizes,” said Plympton Academy teacher, Martin Edmonds.
The four winning authors were presented with their prizes by Lieutenant Commander Simon Boon, the Base Executive Officer of HMS DRAKE in Devonport.
“I was delighted to be asked to award the prizes for this competition based on Causley’s poem,” he said. “As Charles Causley lived in Cornwall and served aboard both HMS Eclipse and HMS Glory, his poem made a marvellous focus for the competition.”
Teacher Martin Edmonds explained that Plympton Academy is committed to encouraging a reading culture amongst all students. “It was wonderful to see the level of interest our students have shown in both Charles Causley’s poems and in writing their own work. It was very difficult to pick the final winning entries due to the high level of quality which is why we had four winners.”