Planning workshop for town and parish councils
Do you sit on a town or parish council in Devon? If so, you need to know how to respond to planning proposals affecting your community. Your response, as consultees in the planning process, can significantly influence the outcome and make a real difference to what the local planning authority decides. CPRE Devon invites you to a special ‘planning workshop’ for Devon’s town and parish councils. Experienced, independent Planning Consultant, Jo Widdecombe, will guide you through the process and explain what’s important. Free admission for member organisations (up to 3 people free per member council); non-members £10 per person, including refreshments. So don’t delay, sign up today, to equip your clerk and councillors with the tools to fight an unwanted proposal or, of course, to support a worthwhile one. To book your place, contact info@cpredevon.org.uk or call us on 01392 966737.
Hatherleigh Community Centre
Event Date
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - 10:00am to 1:00pm