The Upcoming Trends in 2020 for Online Gambling
Online gambling, in the previous two decades, has seen continued growth and market share. This has been greatly resultant on the technological advancements the industry has achieved, and in doing so, has seen it turn itself into one of the most profitable venues of adult online entertainment.
Despite the fact that from April onwards the UKGC will prohibit the betting companies from accepting credit card payments from their customers, the industry is growing at a considerably fast pace. It seems that the new restrictions won’t affect the success of the gambling brands. It is expected that 2020 will see revenue soar to a record $60 billion and that will see competition within the industry intensify as software developer’s work aggressively to develop new content through the use of new innovations. This will come as a result of fresh ideas from younger more tech-savvy designers who have a better understanding of what the millennial generation is drawn towards, especially in so far as how best to implement advanced technological innovations such as social gaming and the use of virtual reality.
That brings to question what the future has in store for online gambling and how it if successfully implemented, will impact the industry as a whole. Here are a few changes and trends that could soon be seen with some of the larger established online casinos.
1. Virtual Reality Casinos
Virtual reality has weaved its way into a large number of industries and is used in many different applications, from health care to video games and others. Although the BBC News have mentioned a set-back in this technology's expansion, the VR reality projects gain more and more influence on the businesses in different branches.
The 3D simulation allows it to create a realistic environment through the use of a VR headset, sensor gloves and scree. It enables the user to enter an entirely different world, navigate throughout the casino, interact with other players and ultimately, experience playing online in ways never thought possible.
Some casinos have embraced this form of technology for several years. While the reality will be that while some will prefer to continue using the standard of today, developers and casinos who fail to embrace the potential it offers will, over time, fail to retain market share, similar in fashion that of those who were slow to embrace mobile gaming. While the shift towards VR gaming will take time to grow and become common-place, there is little doubt that having the ability to simulate a life-like casino experience will in time, become the benchmark for future online casino gambling enthusiasts.
3. Social and Mobile Gambling will see continued improvements
The popularity of gaming through the use of social media sites has been a platform used by online casino software developers as a tool to gain an intimate understanding of what games are embraced and which are seen less favourably. Those that achieved a large following often were rewards based, and that saw the introduction of rewards based video slots into the fabric of online casinos. This is evident with those promoted by sportsbooks seen on Silentbet, a website that caters to a growing segment in the industry that integrates online casinos with sports betting and other forms of online betting.
The continued development of social and reward based gaming online will only further be cemented as virtual reality is incorporated. Each will heighten the experience and players ability to interact with others by completing challenges to earn special features and by climbing leader boards that offer special rewards of their own. How this will apply to mobile gaming is still under development, but considering 70% of all casino gambling revenue is generated via mobile users, it is one that will be at the forefront of development.