Devon countryside charity’s 2020 competitions provide a creative outlet for stay-at-home schoolchildren
The Devon branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England hopes its 2020 art and writing competitions, open for entries from 18 May, will provide a creative outlet for primary schoolchildren across the county, many of whom are spending more time than usual indoors this spring because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
CPRE Devon's two children's competitions are a fun way to encourage youngsters to engage with the great outdoors, even if they themselves are stuck indoors! Children in Key Stages 1 and 2 are urged to use their imagination to create a piece of artwork or a short piece of writing evoking Devon's coast or countryside, or a favourite spot that’s important to them. It could be a local park, a green space nearby, somewhere they have visited for a day out or even their own garden. The closing date for entries is 30 June 2020.
Last year the charity received fantastic entries from right across the county from girls and boys in KS1 and KS2, who had captured their favourite outdoor space on paper. Pencils, pens, paints and sticking paste were all put to use to create artworks which showed the beauty and variety of Devon’s natural environment.
The competitions are simple to enter. A top prize will be awarded to individual children in each key stage, as well as to their school. All entrants will receive a CPRE Devon ‘Barney the Bull’ gift. The top entrants from each school will win a Devon Countryside Ambassador Badge and a framed certificate. Winning schools will receive a plaque and £200 to spend on outdoor learning as well as CPRE membership for a year.
A leaflet with full details of both competitions is available for teachers. CPRE Devon has also produced a fun postcard for the writing competition with space for children to say why they think it’s important to protect Devon’s countryside. It couldn't be simpler!
If your child would like to enter, contact 01392 966737 or info@cpredevon.org.uk or check out the website cpredevon.org.uk
Please note, this year the charity will be accepting entries by email to avoid people having to make unnecessary trips to a post office to send their artwork or writing.