Send your personal thanks to the NHS and your message could end up on a touring art installation
The hardworking staff of the NHS care for us all - and we want to show them that we care too. thortful are collecting messages of thanks on their new noticeboard, and your words could be featured in the ‘This is Gratitude’ art installation, touring across the UK to say thank you to the NHS.
Noticeboard of messages
Undeniably, the pandemic has given us a fresh perspective on the importance of our NHS and its staff. With that in mind, thortful have created a noticeboard of messages that everyone can contribute to.
After raising more than £100,000 for NHS Charities Together, thortful wanted to continue to thank the NHS. The new noticeboard is a collection of thank you messages from the public. Anyone can leave a message and they can give thanks to friends and family who work within the NHS or medical staff as a whole.
A selection of these messages will then be chosen and incorporated into the “This is Gratitude” art installation which will tour around the country starting in August.
Give a personalised thank you
Collectively as a nation, we have had opportunities to thank the NHS in various ways. But thortful want their noticeboard to be a space where individual people can give a personalised thank you.
Here are some of the messages the noticeboard has already received:
- “We are so lucky to have the NHS, my best friend works for them and she is so brave/helpful - like every other employee. Thank you so much - you sacrifice so much for us!”
- “My mother is part of the 'most vulnerable' group and by association as is my father. They have been taken care of so incredibly well with no fuss and always with a smile. I couldn’t thank those in the NHS enough for their tireless and often unseen fight over the past year.”
- “Dear NHS, thank you for working tirelessly on the frontline of the COVID19 pandemic. We were all scared and yet, with face-mask bruises, late nights, hot and sweaty uniforms and distancing yourself from vulnerable loved ones, you've managed to pull us through. I love the NHS!”
To view the noticeboard, go to: https://www.thortful.com/NHS-thank-you-noticeboard