Independent Devon company is on a 'treemendous' quest to plant 1 billion trees to help offset carbon footprint generated by businesses
Leading independent software company RapidReg Ltd. located in Exeter is on a quest to plant 1 billion trees as part of an aspiring initiative to save the planet by offsetting the carbon footprint generated by businesses, whilst helping them to attract a new wave of green-minded consumers all for just 15p per tree.
Studies suggest between 75%-90% of the total global carbon emissions are produced by businesses and not individuals. Proactive tech entrepreneur Chris Collins co-founder of ‘The Billion Trees Project’, a non-profit arm of his RapidReg brand said: “These are scary statistics, so it’s more important than ever for organisations to be held accountable. Consumers want businesses to mirror their concerns for the state of the planet by cutting their carbon footprint to reduce impact. Forward-thinking companies will be looking to attract sustainable consumers by clearly demonstrating they are an active green business.”
Ben Westcott, Partnerships Manager – ‘The Billion Trees Project’ confirms: “Businesses’ energy supply alone contributes around 18% to carbon emissions in the UK, and even small businesses can make a real difference to these figures by taking a few easy steps. We’re helping businesses move towards being carbon negative by incentivising consumers to plant a tree in exchange for their marketing data, whether creating a basic newsletter sign-up on their website or a QR code in a coffee shop asking customers to ‘scan here to offset the carbon footprint of your coffee cup’. The powerful software allows you to create anything from a simple contact sheet to a booking form, with availability and payments. Once companies have this data, they can send marketing campaigns, announce new products, or simply invite customers to visit again with a discount coupon.” He adds: “Our ambitious project was launched to target green-minded businesses finding it hard to off-set their carbon footprint and seeking to become carbon negative, whilst appealing to new customers with just a few simple steps. This is done by using a unique, affordable, and easy to use marketing tool to gain new customer data in exchange for planting trees; thus, creating employment for people living in the most impoverished areas where they will work with the trees from seed through to full maturity, helping to restore and protect forests.”
Mr Collins concludes: “We work with qualified tree planting partners covering a wide range of countries in the world's most impoverished areas including Central America; Madagascar; Mozambique and Kenya. Every business will be given their own ‘digital forest’, allowing clients to know when and where their individual tree was planted, how old it is and track its growth from sapling to tree. This gives businesses and customers a unique connection for the lifetime of the tree.”
We make it easy for businesses to go green - It’s as easy as One, Two, TREE!
Register now to be part of this ambitious project and gain like-minded new customers.
Together we can make this a better place to live and breathe.