Devon Air Ambulance makes a plea for your pre-loved items to support the service
Throughout the pandemic, Devon Air Ambulance (DAA) shops have exceeded the minimum level of Covid-Safe precautions recommended by the Government and have achieved an even higher level of protection to ensure the safety of their staff, volunteers and customers. Now, following the most recent lifting of restrictions, the charity's 19 shops, although they remain cautious, are fully open for business and in need of your help!
Since the DAA shops returned to a browsing format they have been welcoming back many regular and new customers, which has been great for business. Recognised for their very neat and tidy appearance and excellent range of donated goods, this is fantastic news for the charity shops, but now they could really benefit from a boost of more donations to restock shelves. Donors can drop donations in to any Devon Air Ambulance shop during opening hours and no longer need to book in a visit. Review the full list of items DAA can and cannot accept. Commitment to Covid-Safety Like many other retailers, although many of the protective rules and restrictions have been removed by the Government and have since become advisory, DAA has opted to uphold a commitment to Covid-Safety amid the following changes:
As a charitable emergency service whose specialist medical teams are ready to respond to the critically ill and injured across the county, it is vital that everyone does their utmost to support this life saving cause. The charity is experiencing their busiest summer ever, tasked to 193 missions in June alone. We can all be considerate of the health and wellbeing of each other, minimise the risk of isolation and furthermore, minimise the risk of potential critical illness through the spread of Covid-19. Learn more about Devon Air Ambulance or make a donation to help maintain their life-saving work at www.daat.org. |