Free workshops being held on applying for grants in East Devon
Are you part of an East Devon voluntary, community or social enterprise group? Do you need help with applying for grants? If so, Devon Communities Together are working with East Devon District Council (EDDC) to run two FREE workshops that could help you.
These ‘Writing Winning Funding Applications’ workshops will cover how to write applications to grant providers which are eligible, to the point, comprehensive, engaging and more likely to be successful.
Each workshop will cover the same material, so you only need attend one or the other. Both events are only for groups based in East Devon.
They will be:
- Monday, 11 July from 2pm to 4.30pm. This will be a Zoom online event, book here.
- Wednesday ,13 July from 2pm to 4.30pm. This will be an in person event at EDDC’s main offices in Honiton, for those that prefer face to face training. Places at this event will be limited, so book early here.
These workshops are free through a grant from EDDC and are also supported by New Start Devon Enterprise Coaching, a European funded project of Devon Communities Together.
Councillor Dan Ledger, EDDC’s portfolio holder for homes and communities, said: "Grant funding is becoming an almost essential tool for the continual delivery of our vital community, voluntary and social enterprise sector across East Devon. These workshops will give groups the necessary tools to boost their chances of success in applying for grants and hopefully ensure future delivery of these groups for years to come."
The workshops will be facilitated by Hannah Reynolds, Project Manager for Devon Communities Together, who has a background as a National Lottery Grants Officer and funding adviser.