Dawlish Scouts Wheely Need Help
The 1st Dawlish Scout Troop had a transport problem which the St. Michaels Freemasons Lodge who meet in Barton Terrace Dawlish have gone some way to solving. The van used by the scouts is well past it’s sell by date and required a lot of welding and repair work and until the Freemasons helped with a donation of £250 they couldn’t get the vehicle through its MOT.
The work has now been completed and they are able to get out and do the things that scouts do, but looking into the not-too-distant future, they know much more work is going to have to be done to keep the van fit for purpose.
To that end it has been suggested that they form a fundraising committee and work towards a long-term plan of purchasing an electric van so that they are not only able to continue to go camping and excursions around the country but will be much more eco-friendly which of course is an important part of the mantra of scouting.
Nobody is underestimating the enormity of the task ahead but with the determination of the volunteers there is no doubt that, with help they will achieve their goal.