Plans to complete missing link of trail to go before councillors
Ambitious plans to connect Seaton and Colyford with a multi-use trail are due to be recommended for approval when they go before Devon County Council’s Cabinet next week (Wednesday 8 March).
The proposals aim to complete a missing link of the existing National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 2 in East Devon which currently diverts onto a section of road that is unsuitable for families and less confident cyclists.
The new off-road section, which would be funded using Government funding, would run from the rear of properties at The Saltings to Marsh Lane Cemetery, linking to Seaton Wetlands. Completing a safe and direct off-road 3km route between Seaton and Colyford will encourage and enable more people to use sustainable travel and help reduce carbon emissions.
The route largely follows field boundaries and existing vegetation for the purposes of screening, but additional planting and landscaping will be carried out.
Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said: "Improving the National Cycle Network Route 2 between these communities is one of the priorities of our Multi Use Trail Network Strategy. By completing the missing off-road section of this route, it will unlock the full potential of the trail for people of all abilities. Establishing a high-quality sustainable travel connection will encourage people to be active while supporting our net zero carbon targets and the green recovery of our economy.”
Councillor Marcus Hartnell, Devon County Councillor for Seaton and Colyton, said: “I welcome completion of this final section of the multi-use path between Seaton and Colyford. It’s a milestone that the communities of both Seaton and Colyford will welcome, and I feel proud to have supported the project since 2015 as a Town, District and County Councillor. The benefits are widespread, encouraging safe and sustainable travel, improving accessibility for all, and boosting the local tourism economy.”
Subject to approval by Cabinet, the County Council is aiming to construct the shared use path this summer.
A planning application for this section of trail was approved in September 2011 and Compulsory Purchase Orders for the required land were successfully secured in 2021.