Breast screening guide for women with learning difficulties
A special information leaflet has been designed to help women with learning disabilities to navigate breast screening services in Plymouth, West Devon and East Cornwall.
The leaflet has been designed to be used by women with learning disabilities and their carers to help them to decide whether or not to attend for screening and to prepare them for the screening procedure in an easily accessible format.
The leaflets will also be used by the liaison nurses in the screening programme when they visit women with learning disabilities in their home prior to a breast screening appointment. This step helps to alleviate any fears or concerns about the procedure and what to expect when they visit one of the breast screening units.
Diane Burkhalter, Deputy Superintendent Radiographer said: “The leaflets have a large font and clear to understand photographs to help the women understand the breast screening process. The leaflet will support liaison nurses when visiting women with learning disabilities to manage their expectations and answer some of the questions they have about breast screening.
“The pictures show where the breast screening will take place so when they arrive for their appointment they are already familiar with the environment which helps them to relax.
“The expectation is that this leaflet will help increase uptake for breast screening in women with learning disabilities because they are fully informed and prepared about the process and they are not as anxious. We try to offer women with learning disabilities an appointment at the end of the clinic to try and reduce their stress and anxiety further by providing a quiet environment.
“We always welcome women with learning disabilities and their carers to visit the breast screening units in advance of their appointment so they can get used to the breast screening environment.”
The leaflet was funded by the Primrose Foundation, a breast care charity based in Plymouth. The Foundation, first established in 1997, aims to raise money to enhance the existing equipment available to the Primrose Breast Care Centre in Derriford Hospital and the Breast Screening Service. The Foundation works in partnership with NHS staff to help make a difference to breast care in the area.
The Breast Screening Service covering Plymouth, West Devon and East Cornwall is provided by Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust from its dedicated breast screening units at the Primrose Breast Care Centre, Plymouth Guildhall Screening Centre and by a mobile screening unit.
The Primrose Breast Care Centre was designed to provide a dedicated facility for the investigation and treatment of benign breast problems and breast cancer, bringing together the surgical, radiology, and breast care nursing teams. Over 4,000 patients per year are either referred by a GP or asked to attend from the National Health Service Breast Screening Programme.