Derriford Hospital's Open Day "a massive success"
Derriford Hospital's first public Open Day in more than a decade has been hailed as a massive success.
More than 2,000 people went along to Plymouth's flagship NHS hospital on Saturday 28 September to find out for themselves what goes on behind the doors and managers say that the initial feedback has been "overwhelming positive".
The doors officially opened at 10am but visitors were already gathering to find out more before and within the first hour the hospital had already welcomed nearly a thousand visitors. Children bought their teddy bears along for treatment and many were interested in finding out more about careers in the NHS.
Amanda Nash, Head of Communications and organiser of the Open Day, said: “We are absolutely delighted with the number of people who came along today and with the early feedback we have received.
“Lots of visitors had particular areas in mind that they wanted to visit and others were happy to go with the flow and wanted to see as much as possible.”
All areas that were open were visited; main theatres, children’s theatre, fracture clinic and maternity were some of the most popular areas.
At the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which followed the Open Day, the Chairman and Chief Executive both spoke of the pride shown by staff in their services and the enjoyment everyone was taking in the day.
“A fantastic day that’s been organised; really giving something back to the community,” said a visitor as he left the Open Day.
Ann James, the Chief Executive, Plymouth Hospitals Trust said via Twitter: "Thank you everyone who came and enjoyed (the Plymouth Hospitals Trust) open day and AGM. Over 2000 joined us to celebrate our partnership with the public + staff".
A formal warning from the Care and Quality Commission was recently removed from the hospital following a re-inspection which found considerable improvements in its surgical safety. The warning to make urgent improvements had been given after an investigation earlier this year into eight serious patient safety incidents at Derriford over a 12-month period.
The success of the Open Day will encourage what appears to be a considered move to increase public awareness and feedback about the hospital's services.
Derriford Hospital is asking those who came to tell them what they think with a quick feedback survey which can be found here.