Will you consider Saltram in Free Wills month?
Like most UK charities, the National Trust depends on legacies to help it look after its special places such as Saltram, near Plymouth. By taking part in the Free Wills Month campaign this October, you could help support this precious green space on the outskirts of the city and its magnificent mansion and gardens for future generations to enjoy.
Free Wills Month is a national campaign which brings together a group of well respected charities to offer members of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their simple Wills written or updated free of charge by using participating solicitors in selected locations including Plymouth. There is no obligation to leave a gift to charity, but the National Trust is one of a group of charities supporting the scheme that people are asked to consider.
Legacies form a substantial and consistent part of the National Trust’s overall income. Last year, it received £51million in legacies. Over the past seven years, the South West has received an average of £3 million per year directly and significantly more in unrestricted gifts.
Money raised from legacies is spent on conservation and access work and specific projects, never general running costs. Supporters can leave a gift to a specific place which is special to them or to an area of our work (for example, coastline management, gardens, houses).
Saltram, like all National Trust properties is reliant on legacies and donations to enable it to fulfil its many and varied conservation commitments. Carol Murrin, General Manager for Saltram says: “It costs us in excess of £150,000 a year to maintain and manage the parkland at Saltram and we rely on our members and donors for support to keep it open for people to enjoy. Two years ago, I was approached by the family of a lady who had walked her dog at Saltram every day.
"Such was her love for the place, that she had left us £16,000 in her will. This money paid for, amongst other things, some significant woodland restoration and also helped us to improve public access in this much loved, much used place.”
All legacies, no matter the size, are hugely valuable to us. We hope that our supporters will think about taking advantage of the fantastic opportunity presented by Free Wills month and will consider leaving a gift to us.
For more information on Free Wills month; see the FWM website or call FWM on 0845 020 4309 for details. For couples, only one person needs to be over 55. Appointments need to be made by 31 October but can take place later.
For information about leaving a gift to Saltram, or any other favourite National Trust property, please call 01208 265217 or email SWLegacy@nationaltrust.org.uk for a copy of their wills guide.